Strange is no longer admired Wang Sicong my dog also wearable intelligent

-Don’t listen to send you to the Yulin, afraid, looking at me is useless.

-Bow Wow Wow … …

From United States, Texas, DogTelligent the company came out with a dog collar Connected Collar, cures without listening to master Wang Xing people, helping their owners effectively trained dogs, but also protect the health and safety of dogs, this is too.

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Connected Collar dog collar built-in vibration signal sources, ultrasonic dog whistle used by professional dog training. DogTelligent app has designed some of the commonly used instructions, make dog no longer complicated, like make the dog sit, stop, lie down, is not a problem.

Built-in ultrasonic dog whistle can also be set to automatically detect and prevent your dog’s excessive barking. No more dog scream stop without impact Wang rest house next door also apologized.

Dog health is everyone’s hope

Connected Collar dog collar provides integrated health monitoring feature, set through the dog’s breed and age should be active and daily exercise compared with dogs, to help users understand the health status of Wang Xing.

Share dog collars can also be stored, the latest medical record, including vaccinations, medications and regular medical examination make dogs more longevity and health. Veterinarians can also through the App to view the dogs actual exercise and provide diagnosis for dog health problems.

Matching App is a multiple-user, one-click Sharing to other people who look after the dog more convenient access to information, and also allow dog owners to be assured your lovely pets to caregivers, friends, and family care.

Give the dog a free and secure life

Connected Colla dog collar uses a virtual leash two patented technologies, virtual fence, not to bolt the dog chain can also avoid the pet lost greatly ensures the safety of dogs. In the home, the virtual fence need to connect WiFi network, puppy once defined by the master range, Mobile App push notifications will be issued a user.

While hiking in the outdoors, the user can activate the virtual fence capabilities, ensure the safety of the dog the next, let dogs off leash, and free to enjoy the run. Dogs once over Masters Division of security activities, App in addition to alert users, collars or whistling sound and vibration signals will be issued, and will simulate the master light pull the leash, your dog is no longer running away. Simulation master gently pull the dog chain’s patented technology is applied for.

Dog lost dog collars to help you find

If your dog gets lost, Connected Colla dog collars will help quickly find pet owners. GPS Locators on the market and different is that Connected Collar can be connected to Bluetooth, Wifi and cellular networks, let you grasp your dog’s location in real time. Even at night, the LED light on the collar to help users find the dog.


Disconnect Connected Colla dog collars, dog’s location information will not be lost, dog collar can store information within 30 days. Dog collar you reconnect to the network, App will automatically synchronize all saved information.

All chips

Connected Collar dog collars on Indiegogo raising project was a huge success, raising a total of 119,338 dollars. Now, spent $ 160 on the official website booking, United States mail, users must pay an extra $ 15 in other parts of the international shipping charges. If all goes well, in November 2015, shipments.

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Connected Collar dog collar

15 votes

Connected Collar dog collar

Connected Collar dog collar uses a virtual dog chain, the virtual fence technology, built-in health monitoring, location tracking, training a dog, prevent multiple functions such as barking, help the user to better training, tracking dogs, ensure the pet’s health and safety.

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